The March for Science on April 22, 2017 was a historic day but the movement did not stop there

Over the last year, thousands of individuals have taken action to advocate for equitable, evidence-based policies. Some recent campaigns:

Sustainability: To confront the realities of climate change, we need to make sure that the policies, structures, and choices we invest in today don’t compromise our future. We need sustainable changes TODAY - for 100% renewable energy, for more sustainable housing, eco-friendly public transportation, and more.

Support Federal Scientists: The Trump administration and the Department of the Interior have taken action to restrict the ability of federal scientists to communicate their tax-funded research to the media and, by extension, the public.  Take a stand against censorship and send a message of support to federal scientists that you have their back.  

Fund Family Reunification: The zero-tolerance ban at the border resulted in thousands of children being separated from their primary caregivers.  The consequences of this trauma cannot be overstated.  Trump's executive order technically put an end to separation, but there is no plan in place to reunify families - and no dedicated funding for that purpose.  Contact your officials and ask them to provide dedicated funding both for reunification and to provide mental health care to the families affected.

May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this [White House] roof

A NYTimes letter to the editor points out a serious omission in Trump's use of a John Adam's quote:

To the Editor:

Re “Trump Has a Stark Warning for Pastors” (news article, Aug. 29):

In the public portion of President Trump’s remarks to evangelical pastors in the White House State Dining Room on Monday night (before the press was ushered out and he got down to business, pleading with them to get out the Republican vote for the midterms), he spoke in “high-minded tones,” and even quoted from an inscription of John Adams’s words above the fireplace: “I pray heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this house.”

I guess he didn’t want to read the rest of it: “May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof.” 

James Speyer
Los Angeles

Now more than ever, say NO to Brian Fitzpatrick!

Swing Left Dispatch:

Fitzpatrick says he is fighting to keep our families safe and to ensure that anybody who works hard and plays by the rules can achieve the American Dream.

  • TEA PARTY EXPRESS: Fitzpatrick has been endorsed by the Tea Party Express, a group that advocates repealing the Affordable Care Act.
  • MISLEADING: Fitzpatrick, who touts his support for Social Security and Medicare, has also been endorsed by a GOP astroturf group that supported privatizing those programs in 2005.

He is not working for us and not helping us.