Quinn, with an A- rating from the NRA, pretends to care about gun safety!

Twice, Marguerite Quinn voted to authorize the NRA to sue our local governments with gun ordinances to get them repealed. This forced Doylestown Borough to abandon our sane gun safety laws. She also voted for Pennsylvania's 2010 stand-your-ground law. Firearms Owners Against Crime puts her NRA rating at A- and her pro-gun voting percentage at 97%.

Now she is pretending that she is an advocate for gun safety laws. But Bucks County voters are smarter than that.

Steve Santarsiero is running against Marguerite Quinn for a PA senate seat and Wendy Ullman is running to take the seat that Quinn is giving up. Both will be refreshing voices of change on this vital issue.




Tracking Brian Fitzpatrick In The Age Of Trump

Based on Trump's tiny margin of victory in our congressional district in 2016, FiveThirtyEight predicts that Fitzpatrick can be expected to vote with Trump about about 68% of the time, but Brian votes with him more than 83% of the time! Out of 435 House members, he is 51st most slanted toward Trump. Not so independent after all, Brian.

This tool will show you how he voted with Trump (and the few times he went against him) vote by vote: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/brian-k-fitzpatrick/

"Tracking Congress In The Age Of Trump - An updating tally of how often every member of the House and the Senate votes with or against the president":
