Trump and Republicans are coming for Social Security, Medicare, and Obamacare

Affordable Healthcare, Social Security, and Medicare Are on the Ballot

Joe Biden wants to preserve the solvency of Social Security and Medicare by raising taxes on high incomes rather than by cutting benefits.

Trump is not the first Republican to talk about cuts to these programs. Trump said: “There is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlements.” The “theft” and “bad management” jabber is his smokescreen.

The difference between the two candidates couldn’t be more stark.

Biden’s position of taxing the rich is popular—significant majorities think the rich don’t pay enough in taxes; the programs are popular.

Paul Krugman, an Economic Sciences Nobelist and NYTimes columnist, thinks this is a major issue:

Are we better off than we were 4 years ago?

Bill Ritter, past Chair of the 143rd, asks: Are we better, collectively as a nation, than we were 4 years ago?

Here are some things to consider:

  • In 2020 your friends and family were dying by the thousands every day from COVID. I lost a much beloved colleague, a teacher from my time as a principal, to Covid. Today we are reasonably safe. My wife had COVID, she was ill for all of 3 days. 98% of Americans have some measure of COVID immunity and not from drinking bleach or taking Ivermectin, assholes.

  • In 2020, between 6 percent and 14 percent of Americans were out of work. Today, unemployment is under 4 percent and wages are rising, unemployment in Pennsylvania, my home, is about 3.5%.

  • In 2020, the American economy actually contracted. Today it’s on a steady and sustainable growth curve.

  • In 2020, violent crime spiked to a level America had not seen since the 1970s. Today, crime is on the decline across the board. It doesn't feel like that in our cities, but every effort to enact reasonable, rational, gun control laws are blocked by the Repugs.

  • In 2020, America was still entangled in Afghanistan. Today, American troops are safe and our foreign policy can take dead aim at our adversaries without losing focus.

  • What else do you want?--oh right, the border. The Dems made enormous concessions and put forward with the last remaining moderates among the Repugs, a comprehensive border bill. President Biden would sign it. But no, TRUMP KILLED THAT BORDER BILL, that even the Border Patrol Union badly wanted passed. He wanted the misery to continue so he could brainwash you on it during the election. You want gas prices lower. Pass bills outlawing gouging by the fossils in the fossil fuel industry. Well, kick Putin’s ass out of Ukraine by arming the Ukrainians. Oh right, their protectors among the Repugs won't let us. Interest rates were astronomical, pushing the cost of borrowing through the roof. Blame the Federal Reserve Board, a board not controlled by any political party. Come on now. Presidents are not dictators. This is a democratic Republic. You want changes? Quit voting for Republicans, starting with president. Get your heads out of your own asses people.

It’s certainly not Republicans watching out for your reproductive rights

From the NYTimes:

Senate Republican Blocks Bill to Protect I.V.F. Treatment

A Republican senator on Wednesday blocked quick passage of a bill that would establish federal protections for in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments in the wake of a ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court that frozen embryos should be considered children.

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican of Mississippi, objected to approval of the measure, which would establish a federal right protecting access to I.V.F. and fertility treatments, scuttling its chances for now.

Senator Tammy Duckworth, Democrat of Illinois, sought to pass the bill on Wednesday under a procedure that allows any one senator to object and stop it in its tracks, effectively daring Republicans to oppose it and highlighting divisions within the G.O.P. on how to handle the issue.

It’s really clear who’s standing up for women and trust women to make decisions about their own bodies and about their own health care — it’s Democrats,” said Senator Tammy Duckworth, Democrat of Illinois, “So my reminder to voters is remember who’s watching out for your reproductive rights. It’s certainly not Republicans.